Cinematic Lighting in Blender Information
Cinematic Lighting in Blender is a course that focuses on teaching students how to create cinematic lighting setups using Blender, a popular 3D software.
Level-up your 3D lighting skills by watching a premium 9+ hour course that offers a step-by-step guide for setting up cinematic lighting in Blender.
Now includes NIGHT LIGHTING Extension Pack
It’s all really simple: lighting is everything! After all in order to see ANYTHING we NEED light. As 3D artists we all know this obvious truth but we’re still too often guilty of spending WAY more time on the modeling and barely a thought to the lighting when it’s that which makes or breaks a scene.
The Secret of Lighting That is NOT FLAT
Does it sound familiar? “Sometimes a scene can just look so ‘meh’ or lack any feeling? No matter what I do, lighting just… looks ‘too CG’ and lifeless?”
It may look like some successful lighting artists just intuitively ‘know’ what to do and naturally have the ‘eye’. Whether it is conscious or not they will be using a kind of to-do list for where to place the lights, how to set the right levels and so on.
If you simply tick most or even some of the boxes from this list, it will instantly improve the result. Good news: it’s not rocket science, lighting in Blender can be learned fairly easily if you know where to start.
Introducing the New Night-Lighting Extension Pack
The new extension pack dives into three key areas:
Image-Based Lighting: This essential technique allows you to extract lighting information from any image on the internet and apply it to your 3D scene in Blender.
Fun fact: the character 3d model for this chapter was kindly donated by no other than William Landgren!
Universal Night Lighting Setup: This in-depth, step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating a complete night shot, utilizing multiple layers and tools to achieve evocative results.
Projectors: Discover the mysterious world of image projection in Blender, as we guide you through creating multi-colored light patterns, both static and animated.
What You’ll Learn In This Course?
- A premium 9+ hour step-by-step guide for lighting in Blender
- Learn to light character shots, still life (and object) shots and 3D environments
- Get to know Cycles AND Eevee lighting workflows
- Project Files: get all environments shown in the course and useful assets such as node groups, textures and models
- Closed Captions (English) manually edited for all videos
- A full explanation of all the qualities of lighting that help any render feel more alive and cinematic
About Author

My name is Gleb Alexandrov, I’m a coffee maniac who makes a living, creating digital art and training for people who love 3D graphics.
I feel super grateful to folks around me, including the vibrant Blender community. Together with Aidy Burrows we have successfully built Creative Shrimp from the ground up over the last years. Our tutorials have a massive following on Youtube, the recent courses became best-sellers and we’re thrilled to carry on.
I was introduced to computer graphics when I was 14 and after having a glimpse of 3ds Max, I was very eager to dive into this stuff. Unsurprisingly my first teapot renders were so unimpressive that I thought it’ll take an eternity for me to make a career in computer graphics.
When I watched my first 3ds Max tutorial from some crazy CD compilation of tutorials (we barely had internet back then in Belarus), I got part of my optimism back. If they can do it, I can do it too.
A realization that you don’t need to be super talented right away and can slowly work your way towards better version of you by watching tutorials, was a turning point in my life.
When I was 22, I got a 3D modeler job in a game development studio in Brest. In my free time I was learning Blender (right after I saw the first signs of this free open source software taking over the world of computer graphics). Thanks to Jonathan Williamson at CG Cookie and Andrew Price the Blenderguru getting into it wasn’t a complete blackhole of mystery.
I knew blender would become big soon just by watching how active its community had become, it was one of those smart crowd miracles of the 21st century apparently.
A few years later, when a CG competition called Her Majesty’s Zeppelins was about to start, I jumped in this boat and won the first place using Blender.
Over the next few years my art and tutorials were featured in magazines, books and educational websites. That’s where it really blew up.
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